


Processors and cores for vmware

Results 结果

问题已解决,问题在于processor和core per processor的理解错误。硬件部分驱动也需要注意,下方分别是正确和错误示范。注意对比硬件选项和右侧的processors core 设置。

Theory 原理解释

Vmware中的processor和 core的定义和我们熟知的“双核四线程”这类的名词定义不同。vmware中,processor对应的是物理CPU数量,core per process 对应的是每个CPU上的线程数。

I.e. in vmwares settings, processor means the number of the physical processors (CPU) distributed to the virtural machine, and ‘core per processor’ is corresponding to the threads per processor can establish.


The host machine here has 48 physical processors (CPU), hence, 8 processors are arranged for the virtual machine and 1 core per processor to ensure only single thread will be run on each processor for optimal performance.