Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has been widely used in Road and Bridge Engineering for its superior mechanical properties and durability. But few study has been conducted on UHPC aqueducts, and much resemblance can be found between aqueducts and bridges.
Mix propotion design
Exploring optimal basic UHPC matrix
Effect of reinforcement fibers
Testing 4 types of fiber with stardand 100*100*100(mm) specimens on their uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and bending capacity with 100*100*400 specimens.
By comparison on mechanical and cracking properties, Copper-plated steel fiber is selected for following structural design and experiments.
Aqueduct Structure Design
New aqueducts are devised refering to national aqueducts standard of China. The basic follows basic structural
Several prototypes are analyzed with Abaqus for detailed design.
The effect of fibers and other reinforcement are considered by a modified constitutive model.
The approach has been applied on the analysis of fiber reinforced masonry structures.