
Python Codings



batch run skills 批量运行小技巧

pass argues from command line 预留命令行接口

Ref: {Link}

*args, **kwargs

*args wrap the input as tuple.

**kwargswrap them as a dict
kwargs and args are just conventional, like self in class definition.

@ 语法糖 — 单行代码利器

【python语法糖与Aspect-oriented Programming-知乎】

My understanding now:

Equals to:

glob — 批量文件处理

glob是python自带文件处理器,载入:import glob
glob.glob 可以快速查找文件,返回单个值


Legends setting when there are more than one subplot.

Use figure legend

Plt legend in figure and transform it into ax
Reference: https://www.cnblogs.com/Atanisi/p/8530693.html
With sample code shown below:

The introduction of bbox:

Also very useful in-subplots 内部局部放大图教程

In-subplots results illustration
  1. bbox_to_anchor:边界框,四元数组(x0, y0, width, height)
  2. bbox_transform:从父坐标系到子坐标系的几何映射
Illustration of bbox parameters

My work

My work of figure legend and bbox transformation

Customized colorbar

Matplotlib provide official colorbar scaling {Link}, but it does not support pandas usage, such as df.plot(..., cmap=new_cmap). But this stackoverflow post {link} provides a reference for this, where I summarized it into the following code.

Note that the set_under and set_over need to be used with vmin and vmax when plotting. An example is shown below. Note the initial step is cyan, and last step is violet, with gradient transition in steps between.

pandas & numpy 数据处理

Powerful combo of pandas

manipulating data with mapping funcitons: apply, lambda, if

In previous post, difference between map, apply, applymap has been explained.

df.mode()‘ may return a dataframe, because it may have multiple modes for a series. A typical solution is ‘df.fillna(df.mode()[0])’

df.apply()‘ works for function operations on certain row or column
df.applymap()’ works for function operations on whole dataframe
df.map()‘works for dictionary replacement
df.groupby()’ is also commonly used with these functions for quick feature selections.

DataSci&MachLearn Workflow 1/4

In a brief:{Ref-Zhihu}

  1. For series we have map()
    map() and applymap() is more suitable for simple function with one input or a mapping dictionary. Usually applied with ‘lambda’
  2. apply() works for more complex functions and take multiple input with apply(func, args=(x,))

But here with combination of apply and lambda&if, we will put the productivity of pandas into a whole new level. Check out these examples:

Eg.1. Data selection


Eg.2. Info withdraw


IndexSlice读取 比.loc[]的返回值更加规范 `





MultiIndex dataframe








df.rename() 重命名

mapper or dictionary can also be transferred to df.rename() function. Only index will be change without effect on data.

利用数据对应ID,浅析python pandas数据类型 DataFrame的 copy和= 操作的异同

df2 = df1.copy() create new object with new id df2 = df1 only create new object but the same id, and both won’t transfer the operation on df2 to df1.
df2 = df1.copy(deep=True) will bind df2 and df1 on operation as well.

df2 = df1.copy() create new object with new id df2 = df1 only create new object but the same id, and both won’t transfer the operation on df2 to df1.
df2 = df1.copy(deep=True) will bind df2 and df1 on operation as well.

‘is’ vs ‘==’

is return ‘True’ is the two item has identical ID and value.
== return ‘True’ when they have the same value.


dataframe似乎有个b = a.group_by有点意思

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