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Numpy Basic


Data Type in Python

Python Integer store elements together with their type info, namely, PyObject_HEAD So does list, elements in list can be different type for extra information about data type are stored. Different from C, python list store pointer of the data for better flexibility of data. For list with elements in uniform data type, turn to array

import array A = array.array(list(range(10))



common data type

Data type Description
int64 64-bit integer, storing value from about -9e18 to 9e18
uint64 unsigned 64-bit integer, storing value from 0 to about 18e18
complex128 complex number represented by two 64-bit floats
float_ shorthad for double precision-float, sign bit, 11 bits exponent, 52 bits mantissa
float32 single precise float, sign bit, 8 bits exponent, 23 bits mantissa

Basic operation of Numpy

Attribute, Indexing, Slicing, Reshaping, Joinng&Splitting
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