
Deep Learning Tut Note

Gutterberg version


  1. RNN by tensorflow
    The official tut for all RNN: {Google TF RNN}
  2. A kaggle IMDB moive reviews example:
    {toward-datascience} {Colab}
  3. Explanation and Colab examples on one-to-more, more-to-one, etc.
  4. Generate caption for photos (Reference for potentially coming work)
    A combine of CNN feature extraction and RNN text generation:

Traditional Algo

  1. MARS: mulitvariate adaptive regression splines:
    It automatically sectionizes by splines and then linearly fit each section.
    The spline function, also know as rectified linear unit (ReLU) or hinge function will sectionize the target function.

 ReLU(x)  = max(0, x)

MAE v.s. MSE

{Medium} says MAE has less penalty to large errors. MSE will increase with the number of samples.

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