

Matlab Skills

Partialy load and save .mat file Matlab is RAM-greedy.Can load/write .mat files partially to mitigate it.{Matlab-doc}Quick start To load and partially with regular expression: Note that MatLab has 2 ways to call functions: {Ref-Mathwork} Renew ...

Deep Learning Tut Note

Gutterberg version RNN – TF RNN by tensorflowThe official tut for all RNN: {Google TF RNN} A kaggle IMDB moive reviews example:{toward-datascience} {Colab} Explanation and Colab examples on one-to-more, more-to-one, etc.{Weight-and-bias} Generate caption for photos ...

Compute Canada Notes

slurm general A clarification between srun, sbatch, salloc The srun is for single command execute. The sbatch will let slurm take care of the standard output, suitable for long-term tasks The salloc allocate node (CPU, ...